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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/21/09

Greenfield Conservation Minutes
July 21, 2009

Present: Neal Brown, Karen Day, Carol Irwin, Roger Lessard

Guests: David Preece of Southern NH Planning Commission and Ian McSweeney of the Russell Foundation

Piscataquog Watershed Study
David talked about starting a working group for a Piscataquog Watershed study involving all 11 municipalities involved. This plan expands the masterplan that has already been done. It would pull in the land trusts and any conservation groups so that it would be a comprehensive regional plan. The research would be educational for all and would be useful information that could support fund raising. It will also be transparent as possible. The goal is to have everyone on the same page including the state and federal entities.

PWA had a watershed plan focused on conservation that is 4 yrs old.
The Regional watershed plan was done by PERLAC which is about 5 yrs old
Southern NH Planning Commission has a plan that is 30 yrs old.

These groups aren’t talking to each other and this effort would do that.  Southwest Planning Commission, Nashua Planning, and Central Planning have already committed to support this plan.

So far, nine Conservation Commissions are on board as well as the state and federal agencies. We have an opportunity to get this done since things are quiet with the state of the economy.  David thinks that they would meet 5 or 6 times. This study would support the Conservation Commissions and towns in matters concerning watersheds. They expect to be up and running by 2010.They would ask for us to pass on information as well as hosting events for town support.

Education would be: newsletter articles and a link to info on their website. This plan will be turned into a Powerpoint presentation.

Our suggestions: make hands on presentations such as a field trip or maps, fun website, school programs

We will need to appoint a delegate to go to meetings and an alternate.

Members voted unanimously to support this effort. Carol will write a formal committal letter to David on behalf of the Commission.

Winrose Farm Easement
Ian McSweeney: The Russell Foundation and the Monadnock Conservancy are working with Bob Jennings on Winrose Farm to conserve 100 acres with an easement. The Conservation Commission is in full support of the project and will work with Ian on it. Ian will keep us up to date on any developments on this project.

Other Business
New RSA:  There is a new RSA that says that we must pass a warrant article that allows the Conservation Commission to expend funds for helping with costs for residents to put their land in easement. Carol brought a hand out on this new law. Neal offered to take it, scan it, and send it to everyone.

The DES report on water testing for the beaches came back as normal.

Old Business
Blueberry Jamboree: Carol will bring a map. Karen will get a banner. Roger will bring the canopy. Neal brought the flyers to be passed out with the blueberry plants. Neal wanted to know what we would sell the blueberry plants for. They will be $20 each and $35 for two. Neal and Roger will talk about getting the table and when to bring the plants up.

Letter to Jennifer Fox on the wetlands permit for Sunset Lake. No response as yet. Carol will check her email for the answer when she goes back to the office.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm